This is impossible, I'm sure you'll be thinking, but a bird's favorite food will be from now on your ally in losing all those extra pounds.
Birdseed has not only healing properties that will benefit you if you consume it, but also serves to silence other important maladies. The method is very simple. Are you ready to beautify your body? Because I'm going to tell you in detail.
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It turns out that birdseed, which belongs to the family of wheat, oats, barley and rye, provides excellent food benefits that are enhanced when it is hydrated. It has high protein content. And we found the method to use it for weight reduction; it's super easy!
Soak 3 to 5 tablespoons of birdseed in water 10 to 24 hours prior to consumption.
Rinse it and blend with 8 or 16 ounces of water. Strain the mix. The milky water that remains is what you should drink. You can add a low-calorie sweetener, but never sugar.
Don't throw away the paste from the blender that remains in your sieve; it has many properties and fiber that help fight many other diseases, such as cholesterol and diabetes, because, believe it or not, birdseed is a good blood sugar regulator. According to reports, you can use it in salads.
This seed has many benefits, among them the fact that it's a powerful antioxidant that helps fight cells aging, helps the kidneys, gout, high blood pressure, ulcer, gastritis and eczema.
What's most important is that it contains an enzyme called lipase that quickly eliminates fat from the body, from veins, arteries or fat deposits and that makes it a great ally in weight loss.
My mom has been consuming birdseed since they detected problems in her kidneys. Not only her health has improved, she also maintains an ideal weight without depriving herself of any food. She uses it three times a week and says it doesn't taste bad, and with a little honey it works wonders.
The recommendation is to drink a glass of birdseed milk on an empty stomach in the morning and another one before bedtime.
Of course, consult your doctor and make sure it is the right dose. I'll tell you later if it worked for me, because I'm trying it tomorrow
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