A newborn in Scotland is being called a miracle baby after surviving being born four months early at only 24 weeks.
As one of the youngest babies to have ever been born in the country, Emily Cressey weighed only 1 pound, 3 ounces when she was first born. But 10 weeks after her extremely premature birth, she continues to thrive, thanks in large part to her mother's unwavering care and faith. Now, medics say they are stunned by her progress.
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According to reports, little Emily had to fight to stay alive upon her birth, first being placed on a ventilator and later, on an airway pressure machine that aid her lungs until they fully develop and function on their own. Once she became more stabilized, her 34-year-old mom Claire Cressey was even been able to feed her with a bottle for the first time—an experience she said she'd never forget.
"It was the most beautiful moment, most mothers take that for granted, even get fed-up with doing it, not me," the mother wrote on social media.
Thankfully, all that care and dedication seems to be working. Emily is now 3 pounds, 5 ounces and will only hopefully keep growing. Meanwhile, for every week that she continues to progress, her parents and three siblings mark the occasion with a cake and candles. How sweet is that?
Obviously, it must be incredibly difficult for Emily's parents and family to see her fighting for her life. But it's amazing that the family has been able to maintain hope and continue doing whatever it takes to make sure their daughter has her best chance. And clearly it's been working so far! Hopefully, their love and dedication will get Emily through this tough ordeal, until she reaches a healthy place. My thoughts are with them all!
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