The 10 GROSSEST stuff people have found in food

Rose Carducci eats spinach salads often. The 28-year-old mother from Ohio also uses spinach to make smoothies for her 3-year-old daughter. It makes sense that for convenience sake, she would buy those bags of pre-washed greens that I happen to love and use all the time. Well, recently she ordered spinach online to be delivered from Buehler's supermarket. Even before she opened the bag of Dole spinach she received, she noticed there was something a-FOWL with it as in it had a bird's leg, talon, feathers and all in it! Ewwww!!! You've got to see this, it is nasty.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Popular sandwich chain has been feeding us WHAT?!

bird foot in spinach

That does not look like spinach to me. I don't care if it has been pre-washed as Carducci says, "birds carry diseases" and who the heck would want a dead bird contaminating their greens like that.

Carducci has contacted the FDA and Dole headquarters. The company is investigating the incident. They also offered to pick up the contaminated bag and send her coupons for more bagged greens. Understandably, she has lost her appetite and declined the offer.

Check out the news report here and then if you can stomach it, I've got a round-up of the grossest stuff people have found in their food for you to check out and to remind you to always take a look at what you are eating before you put it in your mouth. –Additional reporting by Giselle Castro

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Images via NewsNet5

Bolt in burger


A woman in Albuquerque, New Mexico ordered a burger at Applebee's and when it came to the table she bit into a rather large bolt that was embedded in the meat. I would have bolted after that. And no, the bolt did not come with a side of nuts.

Silverfish bug in sancocho


I nearly had a heart attack when I heard about yet ANOTHER eatery with tainted with vermin. This time in Queens, New York, Natalie Estrella, a customer at Mi Mundo restaurant found a GIANT silverfish bug floating in her sancocho.

Lizard in salad

PIX 11

Robin Sandusky found an unwanted reptile in her kale salad from Guy & Gallard. What she thought was a piece of asparagus was unfortunately a piece of a lizard! Yuck!

Dead scorpion in powdered baby formula


Caroline Black freaked out when she found a dead scorpion in her baby's powdered baby formula. She immediately contacted the company who claimed they thought it was burnt powder and NOT a scorpion. Unbelievable!

Snake head in green beans

Fox 12

Misty Moser was preparing dinner for her family when a snake head popped up from her bag of frozen green beans. She was not happy with the company's response which was to give her a coupon, when her kids could have gotten sick from it.

Spiders in bananas


Consi Taylor bought bananas when she went grocery shopping and didn't expect to get the shock of a lifetime. As she was eating the fruit, a giant deadly Brazilian spider appeared crawling on it and there were also unhatched eggs. Ew!

Spiders on grapes


Yvonne Whalen was washing red grapes when she found something slimy and learned it was spider web. Along with it was a deadly black widow spider crawling on the grapes!

Crickets in burgers


From all of these on the list, this one is actually done on purpose. A restaurant in downtown Manhattan offers "Grass-whoppers" which contain queso Chihuahua, chipotle mayo, heirloom tomatoes, onion, and romaine lettuce, and crickets inside of a whole-wheat mini pita. I guess if you're the adventurous type go for it!

Frog in Salad

Instagram/ Kathryn Lurie

A Wall Street Journal reporter found a frog in her salad from upscale eatery, Pret A Manger. The poor woman didn't know the creature had been in her meal until she was half-way finished. The restaurant apologized for the incident and offered her a free lunch for the next time she visited.