You might want to check out 25-year-old Loni Jane's Instagram page for some health inspiration. She dramatically changed her unhealthy partying lifestyle in exchange for the 80/10/10 diet. The low-fat diet focuses on eating raw fruits and vegetables and she says the results she saw were life-changing.
Jane says she lost weight, cleared up her skin, reset her hormonal imbalance, made her periods regular again, relieved mood swings, and even stopped hair loss. Now that she is 26 weeks pregnant she still follows this diet. So what exactly does the 80/10/10 diet require?
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Jane says that she fell sick with parasites and dengue fever after a trip to Thailand which was her health wake-up call. That's when she started researching for healthy diets and came across the 80/10/10 diet which is low-fat and heavy in veggie and fruits. It was created by doctor Doug Graham and consists of 80 percent carbs, 10 percent fat, and 10 percent protein.
In fact, Jane says that this diet saved her life because she had been pursuing a lifestyle that could have lead to cancer and early aging. She says she'll start off her day with two liters of warm water with lemon, 10 bananas for breakfast, five to six mangos for lunch, oranges for her pregnancy cravings, half a watermelon to keep her hydrated in the summer time, and a huge salad for dinner.
Her self-healing diet has even garnered her over 92,000 Instagram followers who have tracked her transitional health journey. She told TheAustralian.com: "If you live your passion people will see that. I'm just living it, and living exactly what you see, and that's what inspires people I think." Even though she's caused some controversy because she still maintains this diet even though she's well into pregnancy, it seems to be working for her, and if her doctor okays it, then power to her.
Jane's healthy eating transition reminds me of my own which started when I was a teen after also contracting parasites and experiencing other health issues. It was life-changing as she explained and I have stuck with it ever since. I do hope the mom-to-be is being monitored by her doctor to make sure that the fetus she is carying is getting all the nutrients it needs. Although this diet might sound extreme to some, it might be a good way to slowly transition into a healthier way of eating.
Image via Instagram