Every birth story is amazing. The way we come into this world is nothing short of a miracle of nature. Even so, some birth stories are extraordinary. Take baby Faith, for example. Faith was born way too early! So early that no one except her mother, 42-year-old Marie Massey, had any faith that she would survive. Massey went into premature labor at 23 weeks of pregnancy. Baby Faith was born at NYU Langone Medical Center on March 7 at 4:43 p.m. She weighed only 15 ounces–that's less than a pound! According to neonatologist Dr. Michael Espiritu who cared for baby Faith, babies born that young only have a 20 percent chance of survival, and a mere five percent chance of surviving without brain damage. Oh but, baby Faith would totally live up to her name in the most amazing way …
Read more ¿Qué más?: Inspirational preemie born at just 9.5 oz defies all odds
Doctors explained to Massey how serious her daughter's condition was, but Massey told ABC News, "So I'm laying there, and I kept saying to them 'She's gonna be fine. Don't worry.' "
Why was Massey so confident that Faith would be okay? How could she be so sure when her child was so tiny and had so many obstacles to battle? She says that the night before she went into labor, she had a dream. In the dream, God told her that he would take care of her daughter and that she had to have faith.
Well, Massey had Faith and she had faith too. Guess what? Baby Faith beat the odds! She is thriving. She spent months in the hospital, but when she was discharged she needed no oxygen and she has no structural brain damage. Her mother says that she is a healthy, smiling, happy baby.
What a beautiful story! This child is truly a miracle. I'm so happy for her and her mother. I also really impressed by the mother's unwavering faith. That baby could not have been named more appropriately.
Images via Thinstock and NYU Lagone Medical Center