If you've ever tried a peel-off face mask, then you know how satisfyingly smooth and glowy it can leave your skin. But what if I told you that peel-off foundation has become a thing? Okay, so there aren't actually any brands out there that carry this (not yet, anyway), but beauty vloggers have gone on to create their own, resulting in the grossest, most unnecessary makeup experience ever.
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If you have a weak stomach, I don't recommend you try this. Beauty vloggers have been creating their own peel-off foundations and trust me when I say that it's even more terrifying than it sounds.
How exactly did they "create" this you ask? Apparently there's a hot new Korean skin product out there called Not4U Real Skin Patch. It's designed to protect your skin from pollution, dirt, and other harsh environmental factors that can lead to acne. It also peels off just like a peel-off mask.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/hvzAF6Z87Bw4.gif
But because it's transparent, Vloggers like Ray Boyce have used the peel-off as a barrier to protect their skin from foundation, in order to prevent future breakouts.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/tGXeR0PKpwnp6.gif
The idea is to apply foundation over the peel off and then literally peel it off when you're ready to go bare faced. Get it? It's like wearing a foundation mask on all day. Gross, I know.
The problem is, it doesn't exactly work that way. Boyce experienced peeling almost immediately after applying foundation. Vlogger Thatayla experienced the same thing. It's enough to make you cringe or even throw up.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/372rEjHifiAgM.gif
As much as I care about protecting my pores, I'm not sure this peel-off trick makes any sense. It doesn't actually work and the makeup doesn't even look good. It just looks like you have a layer of skin peeling off.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/kkLEax22Xz76o.gif
Ugh, I literally can't.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/gSzHYiXZ6uDjW.gif
Ironically, the name of the brand should be enough of a warning that this product is Not4U.
I'll stick to my peel-off masks and my regular liquid foundation, thank you very much!
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/3TLsqtKinXqOA.gif
But if you are actually interested in giving this a shot, check out the tutorial video below!
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-97SFB5dlc