A Texas family is currently living a nightmare. The Delgado family is mourning the loss of their 4-year-old son almost a week after he went swimming. Little Frankie passed away this past weekend, on June 3, from a condition known as "dry drowning." Watch the family's heartbreaking message and find out what you can do to prevent this case with your own children–because it can happen to any of us!
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"If this is going to save another child's life then God took him for a reason," Frankie's mom Tara revealed in a Facebook video. The child's mom explained that Frankie was complaining of shoulder pain days after going swimming. "Out of nowhere, he just woke up. He said, 'Ahhh.' He took his last breath and I didn't know what to do no more," she explained to media.
Paramedics tried to save the little boy, but it was too late. Frankie died of a condition known as "dry drowning," which is caused when breathing in water. Instead of the water reaching the lungs, it shuts down the airways and makes it hard to breathe. Only two percent of cases are reported in a year, according to WebMD.
As a mom, this is going to make me way more cautious of my son's swimming activities. We started him out in swim classes before he turned 1. Now knowing about this condition, I'm going to watch out for the signs, and I'm pretty sure all moms will too.
"Dry drowning" causes coughing, chest pain, trouble breathing, and the child to feel extremely tired. In some cases, fever and nausea also occur.
Frankie's family launched a GoFundMe page in order to help pay for funeral costs and to help other children. "This is exactly what our goal is! Our angel baby Frankie is speaking his story from up above!! 400+ kids can be saved now!!!" wrote Desiree Sosa after they hit their $30,000 goal.
Frankie's story will save other lives and hopefully that helps his family find peace.
Image via Desiree Sosa/Facebook