A hot bath might burn as many calories as exercise & it’s the news we’ve been waiting for!

I'm always amazed at some of the lazy ways folks try to lose weight these days. But when I heard that a hot bath can be just as effective as exercise, I just had to know how. According to new research, a hot bath burns just as many calories as a walk. If you're wondering how this is real, read on for more!

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According to Dr. Steve Faulkner, a researcher at Loughborough University, a hot bath not only contains some of the same benefits as exercising but it can also prevent type 2 diabetes. He investigated the effect of a hot bath on blood sugar control and energy on 14 men and found that they burned 140 calories, which is around the amount of calories someone would burn taking a 30 minute walk. But wait, there's more.

The men's blood sugar after eating was 10% lower after they took a hot bath, compared to when they exercised. How interesting is that?

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Dr. Faulkner also went on to mention that a hot bath could help in reducing inflammation. "The anti-inflammatory response to exercise is important as it helps to protect us against infection and illness, but chronic inflammation is associated with a reduced ability to fight off diseases," Faulkner wrote in an article published on The Conversation. "This suggests that repeated passive heating may contribute to reducing chronic inflammation, which is often present with long-term diseases, such as type 2 diabetes." 

While a hot bath should never take the place of healthy eating and exercise,  it's good to know it comes with health perks. I just have to make sure to load up on body oil and lotion afterwards. 

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