#DearBaby: These letters from soon-to-be parents to their unborn babies will make you cry

The first trimester of pregnancy is about the change. The second is about our bodies. The third is about our dreams for our child. In the video #DearBaby by Huggies, expecting moms and dads read their letters to their unborn babies, and you'll feel the love and all the hopes and wants we all have for our child. Be ready to cry. It's that special!

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Watching all this expecting parents in the video read moving letters to their unborn baby reminded me of my own pregnancies. I have two notebooks filled with advice for my two sons, written by friends and family members during my baby showers and first visits when they were born.

I asked them to write them messages for the day they turned 18 years-old, which is when they will get those notebooks. My and my husband letter's to them echo the feelings of the parents in this video. We all want to tell our babies how special they are to us, how precious their life is, how loved they have been from the moment they started growing inside of me.

"You are the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside," wrote one of the moms, and it's so true. That is how intimate the bond with our babies is and how deep is our love.

Take a minute to see the video and if you have never hand-written a letter to your child or children, I highly recommend it. They will treasure it.


Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BF2s_Zywpg

Image via Huggies