Many mothers say they don't remember the pain of giving birth. I am not one of them, and neither is Kim Kardashian who revealed one of the scariest child delivery stories I have heard. If that happened a decades ago, she would have died for sure, and it makes me wonder: Why did she want to have a second child?
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Image via Kim Kardashian West/Instagram
Kim Kardashian admits she's scared

"I have been very open and honest about my pregnancy struggles," wrote Kim Kardashian in her blog. "This pregnancy, I'm definitely scared for my delivery, but trying my best to be hopeful and not stress out too much!"
Scary pre-eclampsia

"Last pregnancy, I had a condition called preeclampsia, which is a serious condition you can get during pregnancy," she explained, adding that only five percent of women experience the condition. "It causes your body and face to swell, and that was very uncomfortable for me. I had early-onset preeclampsia and I had to deliver at 34 weeks, almost six weeks early."
Everything went well, but this detail is very scary

"My placenta stayed attached inside my uterus, which is a condition called placenta accreta," Kim revealed. "This is a high-risk condition that happens when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine wall."
And then things got worse...

"My doctor had to stick his entire arm in me and detach the placenta with his hand, scraping it away from my uterus with his fingernails," she added of the painful experience. "My mom was crying; she had never seen anything like this before."
Risk of death

"They say that this is what some women died from as a result of childbirth back in the day, without proper care. I'm so thankful that my doctor was able to catch this and address the issue immediately," Kim continued.
Another baby

"After all of that, I still had a piece of placenta attached inside of me and I had to have surgery to remove it. Then I had another surgery to remove the scar tissue. This was all preventing me from getting pregnant the second time around," she said.

"However, with the issues I had last time, my risk of having preeclampsia and placenta accreta are increased and there's not a whole lot I can do to prevent it, so my anxiety is a little high leading up to my delivery. In a very rare case, I might need a hysterectomy after delivery if my condition is severe enough, but luckily my doctor doesn't think this will happen. So as time goes on, I am stressing out less and trying to go with the flow," she added.
Her doctor delivered her as well

Kim Kardashian admits that, she has "some days I get SO scared but then I speak to my doctor, Dr. Paul Crane, and he always calms me down. He has been my doctor forever—he was my mom's doctor who delivered me!"
Kim's advice

"My advice to anyone going through this or anything difficult during pregnancy is that all you can do is be hopeful, get the best information out there and just be prepared. The more information you have, the better you know how to handle it!," she wrote.
Information about preeclampsia and placenta accreta

Kim Kardashian said it well, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. To her and all our pregnant amigas out there: The best of luck! You can find more info about preeclamsia and placenta accreta on Kim's blog.