As a mom-to-be, I'm in the process of finalizing my baby shower registry and have been overwhelmed with all of the baby products to pick from. Whether it's for your baby room, bath-time or feeding, there are countless baby items to choose from. I've become an avid reader of product reviews and surveyed my experienced "mami crew" about which baby products are unnecessary. After doing my research, I've come up with this list of the 12 most useless baby products you should avoid buying or registering for. I'm thankful I'm thankful money and storage space won't be wasted on these baby products! I hope you feel the same.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 Baby items every mom needs when baby turns 1 year old!
–Additional reporting by Shayne Rodriguez Thompson
Image via Corbis
Baby food maker

Save yourself the cabinet space with this one! Make your life easier and use your food processor, blender or immersion blender to make your very own baby food.
Pee-pee Teepee

These little cone-shaped swathes of fabric are just ridiculous. I don’t see how that little tiny contraption is going to stand up to the powerful streams of baby pee I've experienced. If you really want to avoid the mess, throw a cloth diaper or absorbent wash cloth over the baby. Honestly, if you get a little sprayed on, it's not the end of the world!
Baby knee pads

I get it, as moms we want to prevent our child from getting hurt, but the truth is that baby knees are resilient. It's best to go old school with this and just let your baby grow tough skin. It will be okay!
Bumper pad for crib

Think twice before buying or registering for these bumper pads. They may seem like an added safety precaution, but they can be a breathing hazard for your newborn.
Shopping cart cover

Since when did shopping carts become that unsanitary? An antibacterial wipe down will be enough to protect your baby from germs. Carrying around with this thing is just bulky and unnecessary.
Bottle Warmer

Breast milk is nowhere near as warm as what you get when you use a bottle warmer. In fact, breastmilk is more like room temperature. Plus, babies get used to whatever you introduce from the beginning. There’s absolutely no need to spend $40 or more on a fancy warmer when a cup and hot water achieve the same if not better results.
Diaper Pail

I have never understood the point of a diaper pail. Other than supposedly containing the odor, they don’t do much more than a regular garbage can–and at more than $30 a pop plus the cost of refill bags, using one will more than double the cost of just using your existing kitchen can and bags. Plus, these days, most manufacturers make kitchen garbage bags with odor fighters built in anyway.
Baby Detergent

This type of detergent claims to be gently formulated especially for baby, but in reality it’s full of the same chemicals and fragrance as any other soap. The concept may have worked a couple of decades ago when dye and perfurme detergents weren’t readily available, but now, you can purchase a gentler version of your favorite detergent at almost no extra costs.
Wipes Warmer

I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t feel bad at all wiping my son’s tush with cool wipes. And you know what? He has never once complained. Plus, these things take up extra space and most of them have to be plugged in–seems like much more of a hassle than a help.
Changing table

Changing tables are usually part of the baby room set, but you can totally skip on adding this item to your registry. As long as you have a short drawer, you can strap your changing pad on there. The bed and the floor are also good options as long as you have a changing sheet underneath.
Baby shoes

Seriously, where is your baby walking to? Baby shoes are super cute, but they go missing all of the time! Jumpsuits with footsies work best.
Burp cloths

A blanket works just as well as a burping cloth. Sure, they come in adorable prints, but don't get suckered into buying these!