What you MUST avoid if you are trying to get pregnant

If you have decided that it's time to try and get pregnant, there are certain things that you should stop doing even before you try to conceive. Calling it quits on these things will help your fertility and increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy. It would be nice if we were all saints leading an uber-healthy life, but let's face it we're human and that's okay, we just need to step it up a notch when procreating. So let's review five things you should stop doing if you are trying to get pregnant, 'kay?

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1. Contraception. Okay, I know this seems totes obvious, but let's talk about it anyway. If you are using birth control methods like condoms, a diaphragm or (yikes!) natural family planning, you are good to go as soon as you stop, but if you are using the pill or shots, it could take a while for you menstrual cycle to go back to normal. That doesn't mean that you can't get pregnant right away or that you shouldn't try, it's just something to keep in mind and prepare for.

2. Binge drinking. Time to slow down the alcohol consumption. No more partying like it's 1999. You can still have an occasional glass of wine with dinner while you are trying to get preggers, but too much alcohol (more than two drinks a day) is no bueno for your fertility. Not to mention, you may as well give up drinking now because I'm assuming that's what you are planning on doing once you are pregnant anyway, right? I don't care how the Europeans do it, over here no one likes to see a pregnant woman sippin' on gin and juice.

3. Smoking. Smoking is a nasty habit that you should give up even if you aren't trying to get pregnant. It's not good for you in any way shape or form and it's not good for those around you. When you are trying to get pregnant, smoking screws with your fertility big time. Smokers take a longer time to get pregnant than non-smokers, smoking makes your huevos susceptible to abnormalities, and increases your risk of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy.

4. Too much cafecito. It's not that you can't have any caffeine when you are trying to get pregnant or are actually pregnant, it's that you need to keep your caffeine intake to no more than 200 milligrams a day, which is about two cups of coffee. And don't try to be sneaky, a cup is 8 ounces. If your favorite mug is the size of your head, that does not count as one cup. When you are trying to get pregnant, too much caffeine can mess with your fertility and when you are pregnant, too much caffeine gets in the way of you being able to absorb iron and could even increase your risk of miscarriage or preterm birth.

5. Pescado with too much mercury. You probably already know that some fish are higher in mercury than others. High levels of mercury in the blood are associated with fertility issues in both men and women. Also, mercury can stay in your body for over a year and it's really not good for a fetus and their developing brain and nervous system. High mercury fish to avoid include: tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico, king mackerel, swordfish, shark and big eye tuna. This doesn't mean you should avoid all fish. The FDA recommends 8 to 12 ounces per week of fish that is low in mercury. So go on and enjoy some shrimp, scallops, light canned tuna or sardines.

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