5 Weird vaginal problems & how to fix them

Being a woman is not for the faint of heart. I'm serious. It is some kind of biological responsibility. There are hormones and changes all throughout life to deal with and it feels like just when you get used to one stage, you start going into the next. Then there's your vagina and all its health issues

Your vagina, on occasion, can start acting funny. No, not like telling jokes or anything like that. More like there you are minding your own business, doing what you normally do and your vagina decides to do something out of the ordinary and you're all like, "OMG! Why is my vagina doing that? What does it mean and what should I do about it?" Don't worry, all vagina owners go through it at some point or another. You shouldn't freak out, but you should pay attention.

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Here are five weird vaginal issues that aren't really all that weird because many women experience them and how you should deal with them.

1. Vaginal pimples. Son of a gun, I guess you can get pimples just about anywhere on your body, so why not on your lady bits? If you notice pimples down under do not use acne medication down there! To deal with his issue, keep the area clean, wear breathable cotton underwear and never EVER attempt to pop the pimples, that can lead to infection.

2. Ingrown hair. Waxing, shaving and just plain life can cause ingrown hairs in your genital area. To treat, you can soak in a warm bath three times a day. Yeah, right! Who has time for that? If you don't have time to lounge in a bath all day long, you can apply a warm compress to the area three times a day for 15 minutes. If you can actually see part of the ingrown hair poking out of the skin, you can use a sterilized needle to pull it out. Please be careful!

3. Funky smell. If your vagina is smelling different than usual something is probably up and it could be any number of things. Don't try to cover up the smell. Go see your doctor to determine why you have the change in odor. It could be an infection that needs treatment or maybe even a forgotten tampon, it happens!

4. Deep pain. A deep pain could be a symptom of an ovarian cyst or endometriosis. This is something you definitely want to discuss with your doctor. They may want to perform a pelvic exam or an ultrasound to help you find out what is causing the pain.

5. Sharp needle pain. You feel a stabbing needle like pain when you are trying to pee, which makes it hard to pee, but you feel like peeing all the time. That, my dears, is most likely a urinary tract infection. Go see your doctor IMMEDIATELY!

Ladies, treat your vagina right so that your vagina can treat you right.

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