Pomegranates are everywhere right now and I couldn't be happier about it. I love them. Not only are they delicious and beautiful, pomegranates are full of nutrients that will provide you with amazing health benefits. The problem is that to get the benefits of this super fruit, you have to figure out how to de-seed it because it's those yummy seeds you want to eat not all the stuff surrounding them. I've never been good at getting the seeds out, but now I know the fastest way to de-seed a pomegranate is with a wooden spoon. Yup, a cuchara de palo! If you don't know this trick already, you are going to LOVE it.
Read more ¿Qué Más?: Pomegranate: 5 amazing benefits of this winter super fruit
I can't believe that the secret to getting the seeds out of a pomegranate is to use a cuchara de palo! Palo power to the rescue!
I've included an instructional video below to show you what's what, but basically here's how you do it:
- You either cut the pomegranate in half or just score through the outer membrane and split it in half with your hands.
- Gently loosen the membrane around the seeds, but you don't even have to do this part if you don't want to.
- Turn one half of the pomegranate upside down over a bowl and whack the back of it with a wooden spoon until all the seeds come out. Repeat with the other half.
I can't tell you what a help this tip is to me. The other day my hubby brought home a delicious pomegranate and neither one of us knew how to get the seeds out without making a mess and staining our clothes.
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