I would consider myself a modern woman, so when I heard that "purity balls" are becoming wildly popular, I was honestly shocked. Over 48 states now hold these special father-daughter dance, the concept is sort of like a wedding, except in this case the little girls are "marrying" god and promising to stay virgins until marriage via purity rings and promises made to their fathers.
Um, I thought we were in 2014 here?
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During a purity ball, the daughter promises her father that she will commit her life to God and avoid sexual contact with boys until marriage. The concept is intended to ensure that fathers "protect" their daughter's honor as they sign a "purity convenant" which states that they are the "high priest of their home and family."
The creepy celebration is topped off with the dads placing a purity ring on their daughter's wedding ring finger and having her take a vow that says (and no, I'm NOT making this up): "She is married to the lord and that her daddy is her boyfriend." Excuse me while I barf! If that's not creepy, I don't know what is.
I'm definitely not down with this claiming of a woman's sexuality by any man, much less a dad who then intends on turning it over to the next guy who offers his little girl a ring. The whole thing just smacks of misogyny and weird sexual boundaries that just shouldnt be applie to the father-daughter relationship. Here are the my top 5 reasons purity balls for girls should NOT exist:
It borders on incest: The oath states that Her daddy is her "boyfriend." What kind of sick crap is that?!
This is 21st century: The idea of a man owning a woman, whether she's his wife or daughter is outdated. Women have their own minds and rights and don't deserve to be locked down by a some creepy manmade idea.
She will shun reality: The truth is having relationships with boys and going through heartbreak will help a young woman mature and grow into the person she wants to be when she is older, regardless of whether or not she ever decided to marry. Denying her that prevents her from learning and growing into her own person.
She will rebel: When the teenage hormones set in, no purity ring will stop a girl from wanting to experiment. This ban will only make it more appealing to rebel when she is older.
God loves you anyway: I thought that one of the main things religion teaches us is that God will love you no matter what. Your virginity shouldn't have to influence your relationship with him. What matters is that you live a giving and wholesome life.
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