Kim Kardashian stays posting nude selfies and topless photos to Instagram, which is why I'm never the least bit surprised when a new one shows up on my newsfeed. But a recent sexy photo taken by her 4-year-old daughter North West has quite a few people weirded out, myself included.
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In the photo, Kim is seen taking off her bra in front of a mirror while North stands behind her mother snapping a picture using flash. Kim even credited North as the photographer in the photo caption. People did not respond well to this.
In fact, followers went in with their comments.

One person wrote that child services should be contacted. Others criticized her lack of judgment as a parent having North participate in this.
There were a few folks who defended it though.

Claiming this was Kim’s attempt at teaching her daughter body positivity.
Sorry, but I’m personally not buying the body positivity argument.
While I would never go as far as accuse Kim of being a terrible mom, I don’t think this was a smart call and for a number of reasons. For starters, it’s one thing for Kim to pose nude, it’s another thing for Kim to pose nude and have her daughter photograph it to then post it to Instagram. This is not body positivity or confidence. This is a woman seeking validation from the world. Let's finally call this what it is.
The naked photos have gotten out of control.

I’m not opposed to posing nude at all, but when you do it so often that it starts to become what you’re known for, you have to stop and ask yourself: Why are you really doing this for? I’m no longer buying that Kim does this because she’s simply confident and comfortable in her skin. I think she does it for the attention it stirs but also, a part of me isn’t 100 percent convinced she loves what she sees in the mirror. Kim dedicates way too much time and energy in regards to her appearance, more so than normal. But she even admitted on an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashian’s, how being a public figure has given her body dysmorphia. The more people criticize the more obsessed she’s become and involving North on another attempt to prove to the world that she’s hot and she “doesn’t give AF” isn’t the most empowering message to send her daughter. I’m just saying. There are plenty of ways to teach your kids confidence and posing topless for Instagram doesn’t need to be one.