Any parent who has ever stepped into a giant baby store and been handed a registry scanner knows just how overwhelming and confusing it can be to figure out what's really needed and then still have to figure out brands, sizes, features and so much more — especially the first time you do it. But having done it twice now, there are some things I — and several of my mami friends — really wish we had registered for, but didn't.
I mean you just don't always realize the necessity — or convenience — of certain things until you're in the trenches of new motherhood. That's why it sometimes pays to listen to other parents who have been there, done that. Wink, wink.
So before you put down the scanner or close your laptop, take a look at our list of less obvious items that you should definitely add to your baby registry.
A good thermometer

I went with one of those infant first-aid kits instead, but you know what? The thermometer that comes in those is pretty darn crappy and I hardly ever used most of the other items. A quality thermometer would have been a much better option, especially since it's something you'll probably use over and over again throughout the years.
Nasal aspirator

When I had my first child I thought those nasal aspirators that you suck air out of to clear your baby's nose of boogers were so gross, but the more traditional bulb syringes are actually really difficult to use in tiny noses and are prone to getting moldy.
Wipes warmer

I thought these were so frivolous until I had a winter baby and found myself desparately trying to warm up cold wipes in my hands before every diaper change. Now I wish I would have just gotten the wipes warmer.

I never intended for my kids to sleep in my room although they each did for a short period of time, so I didn't register for a co-sleeper or stand-alone bassinet, but having a safe place for baby to sleep within arm's reach when they are still tiny, or sick or teething, or to nap in in different rooms in the house is invaluable.
Manual breast pump

Oh, how I wish I would have had a manual breast pump. I had the big, heavy electric pump, but I only had to pump really often for short periods of time with either child. If I had had a manual pump though, I could have used it to empty a breast when my baby didn't, which would have helped keep my supply up. Plus, they are more convenient for traveling and road trips.
Stroller accessories

I never purchased stroller accessories, but there have been many times I would have been happy to have a cup holder, snack tray, bunting, extra hanging toys, etc. It would be pricey to buy them all at once, but if I had registered for them, I'm sure several people would have bought one or two pieces here and there.
Feeding supplies

No, not bottles and nipples and stuff — most people register for that stuff. I mean supplies for when baby starts solids. Sippy cups, those cute trough or pocket bibs, spoons, sporks, forks, plates, etc. And lots of them too, because babies, and then toddlers, eat often and nobody has time to wash dishes six times a day.
A stretchy carrier

I absolutely love baby carriers and still use one with my toddler, but the only one I ever registered for was a traditional front carrier with buckles. I wish I had also registered for what's known as a stretchy wrap. It's a long, stretchy piece of fabric that you snuggly tie your baby to your body in, and they are so awesome for newborns and young infants. I bought a used one for my second baby and used it so, so much!
Clothes in various sizes

I didn't register for much clothes for my babies. Everyone said that people always buy clothes for babies because it's so cute, but I didn't receive many clothes for either of my kids. In retrospect I should have registered for at least a couple of outfits and some basics in various sizes. Baby clothing is expensive!

I absolutely adore reading to and with my kids, and most experts say that reading from birth is one of the best things you can do to set your kids up for academic success. I was thankful to have a friend that skipped the registry and bought us some beautiful board books, but now knowing how often we read, I wish I would have added an assortment of board books and picture books to my registry.