Kim Kardashian’s eclipse photo with North & Saint is giving us all the feels

The Kim Kardashian mom persona, as she presents it on social media, is one of the most powerful and beautiful sides of the reality TV mogul–and that side is exactly the one she chose to show us as the moon was covering the sun, during the Eclipse of 2017. You have to see the sweet photo she posted on Instagram.

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Kim shared a beautiful picture of herself with her kids, almost 2-year-old Saint and 4-year-old North. Along with the adorable caption, it's the perfect way to celebrate on social media one of the most talked about natural events in the last years. Although it seems they weren't outside looking at the eclipse (the wood floor gives that away!), we still think it's a gorgeous and very mom way to celebrate the huge event.

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I loved that she chose this photo to post, not one of her looking all glamorous with nerdy glasses, or one of her and her sisters getting ready for the event. 

There won't be another solar eclipse until 2024, and that one will not be seen near either of our coasts, so this one was special and, although maybe neither North or Saint will remember it, they will have this image, and probably more, to know that their mom was with them then.

I just hope if they did catch the eclipse outdoors, that they all wore the special sunglasses for the event!