Giving birth is a tough job, but especially when your baby is a whopping 13 pounds. A Florida mom thought she was going to give birth to an average 9 or 10 pound baby, but instead had a crazy surprise. Her daughter Carleigh was born last month weighing in at 13 pounds, 5 ounces. Her mom's reaction was seriously the best.
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The baby's mom Chrissy told Inside Edition, "When the pediatrician showed her to me across the curtain, I was like, 'Oh my gosh, she's huge.' I couldn't believe it. It was like, I delivered a toddler!" I mean, that's a huge baby. The mom-of-four delivered her child via c-section.
I remember when I was just weeks away from giving birth, my doctor told me my son was weighing in at 9 pounds. I was advised to cut rice and carbs out of my diet, which are my best friends in the diet department. I was mortified and seriously nervous about giving birth! Luckily, my baby wasn't as large as projected and he came out happy and healthy.
I'm sure Carleigh's parents are celebrating just the same. The baby wears size 9 month clothing. Her parents donated all of their newborn clothes to a local church, which means this little one has already given back to the community by just being born! What more can you ask for?
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