For the last three years Southern California dad Dominick Cabalo has been creating amazing works of art on his 12-year-old son Nicholas' lunch bags. "Even though he has friends, he's pretty shy, so I started doing these to help break the ice and get conversations going. He took some summer school courses out-of-state, and these helped a lot when he didn't know anyone," wrote Cabalo on Imgur. Nicholas is now in middle school, but the lunch bag art continues because both father and son love it. Get ready to feast your eyes on some spectacular lunch bags.
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Image via domnx_art/Instagram
It's the year of the rooster!

This bag is in honor of 2017 being the year of the rooster in the Chinese zodiac. Let's hope it's a good one. According to Dominick, he tries not to spend more than one hour on each drawing.
Lunch date with BB-8.

Star Wars characters make many appearances on the lunch bags created by Dominick as do pop culture references, inside jokes or characters from movies that they've seen together.
Forecast calls for local celebrity.

"Local ABC news weatherman and meteorologist, Dallas Raines came by to talk to my son's class. So my son wanted him on a lunch bag," explains Dominick who makes his living as a graphic designer.
This one is called "Battle of Luncheon Meats."

Does it even matter what's inside when the outside is this awesome? BTW, I'm on Team Ham. What about you?
Wait, who is that?

It's Marvel Comics superhero Falcon. His "real" or non-superhero name is Sam Wilson. Dominick uses "paints, markers, colored pencils, etc." to get whatever effect he's going for.
Donald Trump's hair never looked better.

Most of the bags make it back home after going to school, but some get ruined by spills or leaks. This one makes you wonder if everything inside the lunch bag was orange.
R.I.P. Princess Leia.

Topical events get some bag time too. The caption on this post reads, "We all saw the news yesterday. A galaxy far, far away lost their princess, and a bit of my childhood went with her."
Martin Luther King Jr. the day after.

There was no school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day so this bag went to school the following day. Dominick estimates that he's drawn on about 400 bags for his son.
Farewell and thanks to Obama.

This bag is a farewell and thank you to Obama for his service to this country. Can you imagine what a treasure these bags will be to Nicholas in the future?
The Flash is back.

"He's broken out of his shell because of this, and I like to think that I had a hand in helping him do this with these bags," Dominick wrote. This bag was in honor of The Flash television show being back on.