This mom-to-be is taking being a fitness junkie to another level. Athlete and total body trainer Emily Breeze Ross Watson was expected to give birth to her son last Friday. Now that she's four days overdue, Watson is killing time by putting in more time at the gym. That means weight lifting more than 100 pounds and doing squats like it's nobody's business. You have to see her in action!
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Yesterday, Watson, who has almost 30,000 followers on Instagram, shared a training video of herself lifting a more than 100 lbs. In part, she wrote as a caption, "Feels: lots of energy, excitement, nervous butterflies for labor, and swollen! Baby: strong heartbeat, lots of movement, and wayyyyy too damn comfy taking up real estate in my belly."
Whoa! I'm sure that baby is going to pop out any minute now! This woman is getting major props from me. When I was pregnant, even walking 10 blocks felt like a marathon–and I wasn't running or even attempting to speed walk. Instead, I took up prenatal yoga, which helped relieve a lot of anxiety for me.
Watson also considers working out while pregnant therapeutic. "Working out during pregnancy helps me mentally and physically & I am so THANKFUL for my doctors, nurses, coaches, and friends who SUPPORT me and continue to LIFT me UP," she wrote as a caption to the photo below.
Now that's a strong mama-to-be. More power to her.
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Image via Emily Breeze/Instagram