I don't use the word stupid lightly, but I am going to go for it to describe the people that are bashing Perez Hilton for posting a picture with his son on Instagram. Actually, stupid may be too mild. What about ignorant, prejudiced and immature? I think that fits the situation better. Take a look at the image and tell me if I'm being too harsh.
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Celebrity blogger Mario Lavandeira Jr., who goes by Perez Hilton and one of my favorite Latino dads on the Internet, posted this photo with his adorable 2-year-old son, and you won't believe the comments. "Creepy" and "child abuse" were some of the terms being thrown around.
Embedded content: https://instagram.com/p/8Y-gncoakB/
Only someone extremely prejudiced and bigoted would, first of all, feel that it is OK to write a negative opinion of a dad having fun with his son, but more importantly, think that there is something wrong with parents taking baths with their children. My kids, both boys, took showers and baths with me or my husband until they thought it was weird. Even now–they are 12 and 9–they have no problem leaving the bathroom or their bedroom doors open.
But, to be honest, what made me feel worse was the fact that Lavandeira felt he had to defend himself. "Everyone does what they see fit as a parent. Personally, I enjoy putting on my swim trunks and taking a shower with my son as often as possible … I'd rather do that than leave him unattended, which will not happen until he's older and I'm confident he can be safe alone," the blogger said to the U.K.'s Daily Mail.
Hey, when I took showers with my kids, I didn't wear a swimming suit. Maybe the Instagram police will come after me! Now, seriously, don't you think that the little boy's face says it all? He was having a blast with Papi and that's all we should care about.
Image vía Perez Hilton/Instagram