WATCH: The pregnancy time lapse video you’ll watch over & over

Being in the midst of my second pregnancy and chasing around a pre-schooler while dealing with lingering morning sickness, I find myself forgetting to stop and marvel about the changes that are going on within my body. Sometimes, I forget to enjoy the little things–like watching my belly slowly grow, the changes in my face and hair and nails and the exciting countdowns to each milestone. Thankfully, there are other moms around to remind me (and all of you) to stop and take it all in. 

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This amazing pregnancy time lapse video, which is a collection of photos that were taken over the course of 257 days, was an awesome reminder to slow and take note of it all, because the time we have with that new little life inside of us is really so, so short, even when it feels like it's dragging by. 

Afterall, pregnancy changes so much about us, from our bodies to our minds and even our smiles. I mean just check out the joy in this amazing mama's face! She without a doubt experienced the same pregnancy-related aches and pains and ailments that we all do, but that smile–that smile and the sweet surprise at the end fo the video reveal just how worth it every moment of anxiety and discomfort is. Check it out: 

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So mamis, relish this time, take a moment every day to admire your belly even if it looks more like a food baby than a pregnancy belly, be proud of it, love it and try not to forget any of these precious moments. 

Image via Thinkstock; video via YouTube