There's no lack of creativity when it comes to new baby bodysuits and tees. The days of the plain white or gender specific colored baby gear are over. Now it's all about taking it to the next level with inappropriate illustrations and sayings. Parents really have to have a sense of humor to enjoy these. I think you even have to be a little crazy to let your baby wear some of these! Which one do you think is going too far?
Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 Latin pride onesies for your baby
Images via Zulily, So Cal Baby
If you wake me mom will cut you

What mom hasn't felt this about a random loud neighbor or the relative that always wants to pick up your baby?! It's pretty gangster, but would be wildly inappropriate if true! Zulily, $20
Made in...

This onesie shows word play at its best and worst! This is the sort of thing that will make people shake their heads at your baby. Amazon, $12.99

I've never read a funnier acronym for pimp! I doubt your baby would approve of getting shouted out for their poop though. So Cal Baby, $19.95
Silly daddy...

This is a funny play on the Trix slogan! The bunny has a point here. I'm just not sure if your baby should be wearing it. Amazon, $12.95
I'm living proof that my daddy...

The message is in your face and so is the illustration! This is ranked high for inappropriate in my book. Etsy, $16
Things I know nothing about...

You wouldn't think about touching the birds and the bees topic until they're pre-teens let alone having your little daughter wear it as an outfit! Bueno, it does look pretty cute! Zulily, $9.99
Erryday I'm guzzling

This is a pretty cute take on the Rick Ross lyrics "Everyday I'm Hustling." Thank goodness we're talking about milk here! Etsy, $15
1/2 Mexican is better than...

It's never too early for your baby to start showcasing Mexican pride! Just leave the rest of the gringos or non-Mexicans out of it. Cafe Press, $19.99
I'm with the MILF

It's one thing to secretly want to be known as a MILF and totally another to have your baby shouting you out as one! Etsy, $14
I just did 9 months on the inside

Most parents wound't want to joke about their kid becoming an inmate. This one covers it before birth. Amazon, $15.98
I'm the reason mom drinks

Shouting out moms on their caffeine addiction is seriously inappropriate. Even worse is when your own baby does it. Can't hide the truth! Etsy, Out of Stock