The creator of the totally adorable Lammily Fashion Doll–better known as "Normal Barbie"–has released an amazing Spring Break themed commercial, showcasing just how silly societal pressures for physical perfection actually are. Though right now, Lammily only makes a female doll, the ad even briefly touches on male body image as well.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Introducing Normal Barbie: Complete with acne, stretch marks & cellulite
"I created a video in which 'Normal Barbie' encounters unrealistic beauty expectations, just like in the real world," creator Nickolay Lamm tells TIME.
The ad shows the doll planning her Spring Break trip and being confronted by a slew of images of so-called perfect bikini bodies. Lamm also noted that the ad parodies twerking, Facebook, Victoria's Secret, American Apparel and other social trends and modern institutions that have a reputation for perpetuating unrealistic standards. But, my favorite part is the tagline at the end: Do you. Check out the video below to see how the Lammily doll works it all out.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK5lRSD3Br4
Honestly, I've always loved traditional Barbies and still do. I'm certain that if I ever have a daughter, I will buy her Barbies, but I think the Lammily doll is so cute, and if nothing more, will round out any little girl's toy box. This is truly a brilliant idea, and I hope it takes off. Because kids need to see people of all shapes and sizes represented in the toy store, not only to understand that perfection comes in many forms, but also to understand that the world is full of all different types of people, and we're all awesome.
Here are some other really cool and diverse dolls:
Image via Facebook and video via YouTube
Groovy Girls

Groovy Girls come in a wide range of skin tones and each is designed to represent a unique personality and sense of style. They have funky hair, fun facial expressions, cool, age-appropriate clothes, and they actually look like little girls. Groovy Girls, $20-25
Plan Toys Family Dolls

Our local public library has a set of the Plant Toys family dolls and my two-year-old son is obsessed with them. Me, I love that they're appropriate for boys and girls, that they look real people, that they come in a range of ethnicities and can be mixed and matched. Plan Toys Family Dolls, $14
Repainted Dolls

Etsy seller TrueBeautyProject has taken glitzed up dolls and completely revamped them to look like actual children by removing the excessive makeup they came with, repainting them and redressing them in more age appropriate outfits. I love these so much I kind of want to buy one right now, and I don't even have a daughter. Repurposed/Repainted doll, $30
Melissa & Doug Magnetic Dress Up Dolls

These Melissa & Doug "Best Friends" magnetic dress up dolls are super-cute and appropriate for a wide age range. It's awesome that they come in a set of four dolls, with each being a different ethnicity and that little girls can mix and match there clothes to match their own individual style. Melissa & Doug Dress Up Dolls, $22.99