Pobrecita Zoe Saldana! The actress and new mom to twins, took to Twitter in the hopes of rallying some support and getting some tips on how to survive the discomforts of early breastfeeding. Though totally worthwhile, the first couple of months of breastfeeding kind of suck. I can't even imagine doing it with two babies at once. Zoe apparently has been having some difficulties and is dealing with sore breasts. Here's what she said on Twitter:
Read more ¿Qué más?: Zoe Saldana reveals her twins' names and they are AWESOME
It's not completely clear whether Zoe is having issues with the pump or whether she's considering switching to the pump to give her sore breasts a break (though she's posted about bottle feeding on social media, so I think she's already been pumping). Either way, there are some things you can do to help avoid and ease the discomfort that comes along with breastfeeding for many women.
Here we've compiled ten AWESOME tips from our experienced editors and readers.
Images via Flickr.com/Lucian and Twitter.com/zoesaldana
For Pumping: Medicate

"Take a Tylenol 20 min before starting." –Alicia Civita, MamasLatinas Staff Writer
For Pumping: Lube Up

"Coconut oil is awesome to avoid chafing/cracking and I used it after every pump." — Lillian Z., New Jersey
For Pumping: Cold Compresses

"COLD gel pads felt like heaven. Just pop them in the fridge in between in each use." –Yuliana Gomez, MamasLatinas Assistant Managing Editor
For Pumping: The Right Fit

"Buy a variety of breast pump flanges in different sizes. There was a lot of trial and error for me, but I eventually discovered that in the early months when production was high and I hadn't lost all the baby weight, I needed a larger flange. Later on I went back to the smaller size. Once I got it worked out the pain from pumping eased up." –Shayne Rodriguez Thompson, MamasLatinas Writer
For Pumping: Hold Off

"Don't start pumping until you're at least a month in to breastfeeding in general." — Anonymous Mom
For Nursing: Hydrate

"My best advice would be to stay very well hydrated. I'm known for being chronically dehydrated, and just making sure to watch my fluid intake helped tremendously." –Alicia C., New Jersey
For Nursing: Heal Up

"Air Dry. Don't let the baby use you as a pacifier. You can use your own breast milk to heal sore, cracked nipples." — Anonymous Mom
For Nursing: Lansinoh

"Use Lansinoh, a fantastic cream that soothes and protect." –Johanna Torres, MamasLatinas Editor-in-Chief
For Nursing: Bottoms Up

"Drink Malta." Anything with barley helps production. –Alicia Civita, MamasLatinas Staff Writer
For Nursing: Have Faith

"Understand and believe that it will get better and easier with time." –Roxana Soto, MamasLatinas Features Editor