Preparing for the arrival of a baby is a difficult task, that is if you know you are expecting. Katherine Kropas claimed she had no idea she was pregnant when she woke up one morning with a sharp pain in her back. She went to the hospital because her ankles were swollen and she had a little difficulty walking. When she arrived at the emergency room, doctors did a series of blood tests that indicated she was five months pregnant, but when they examined her she was already nine centimeters dilated. An hour later, thanks to an emergency C-section, baby Ellie was born and she weighted 10 pounds, 2 ounces.
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Katherine is a superhuman! First of all, I don't understand how these women don't know they are pregnant. I mean, how clueless are they to not notice that they haven't gotten their period? I can see learning late in the first trimester, but full term? Crazy! Her little bundle of joy, Ellie, is by far the most famous baby in South Weymouth, Massachusetts. Mom says she has received lots of visitors and phone calls from people she doesn't even know, but are happy about her little miracle.
This mom has her baby an hour after learning she was pregnant: http://t.co/sa4Jj21HtG via @USATODAY (Photo: Kropas) pic.twitter.com/vtsLdG0sXc
— Ryan Carey-Mahoney (@thegoodcarmah) January 8, 2015
Can you imagine? You go to the hospital because you think something is wrong with you and suddenly you are having a baby. It's just wonderful! Katherine and her boyfriend Dan Keefe are beyond happy with their little surprised and they are both looking forward to raising her. Since they didn't have any plans at all, they will celebrate baby showers and a wedding in the next couple of months. It must be very difficult for these women to adjust to a life with a baby. When are you pregnant, you go through that nesting period which is so important for mom and baby.
I'm beyond happy for Katherine and Dan and I admire her bravery. She has the love and support of her family and the entire community. The tired mom is looking forward to the quiet time ahead because right now she's getting all the attention. Congratulation Katherine on the arrival of baby Ellie. You'll have a great story to tell and enjoy everything that's coming ahead.
Images via Ryan/Flickr