Hold on to your uterus because it might ache after I tell you this story. Check this out: On Monday in San Luis, Colorado, Alisha Hernandez went into labor. Hernandez was scheduled to have a C-section on December 4, but the baby wanted to be born sooner so Hernandez ended up getting that C-section earlier than expected and gave birth to baby Mia Yasmin Garcia. Here's the crazy part: Hernandez was expecting to have a 7 pound baby, but Mia Yasmin Garcia was born tipping the scales at 13 pounds 13 ounces. That's the part that makes my uterus ache. Wait until you see this BUNDLE of joy!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Mom delivers 2 weeks past due date & gives birth to HUGE baby!
LOOK at her! Wow. That's all I can say. That baby is nowhere near the predicted 7 pounds. In case you're wondering, Mia measured 22 inches at birth. She's a big girl, but being born that big didn't come without some complications for this not-so-little angel.
Baby Mia had to be flown to Children's Hospital in Aurora soon after being born because she had low glucose levels and was experiencing respiratory problems. Pobrecita. The good news is to that she is now in stable condition and doing well. Thank goodness!
Congratulations to Mia's parents Alisha Hernandez and daddy Francisco Garcia. Mia has four older sisters who I'm sure are thrilled to welcome her into the family.
Can you imagine? That baby skipped right through newborn clothing and diapers. I can't help but wonder how it is that no one who was treating Hernandez during her pregnancy noticed that this baby was so big? I mean I can understand being a couple of pounds off, but this child came into the world weighing almost twice what was expected.
Images viaThinkstock, KUSA-TV