OMG! You're pregnant, you are so freakin' excited you want to tell EVERYONE, but you've decided it's best to wait to announce your pregnancy until after your first trimester. A lot of people do this just in case something goes wrong. Really, it's up to you, there are no rules. You don't have to keep it a secret if you don't want to, but if you do and you are the kind of person who has a really hard time keeping secrets and you don't want to straight up lie to anyone, let me give you some tips on how to keep your pregnancy a secret the first trimester.
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1. Realize that if you tell your mother, she's going to tell the rest of your familia. Of course you want to tell your mami, but as soon as you tell her, you better assume that she is going to tell everyone and your abuela. She'll promise not to tell, but she will.
2. Make it a beautiful secret you keep with your partner. There is something kind of beautiful about just you and the person you are having a baby with sharing this MONUMENTAL secret. It's not a shameful secret it's a beautiful secret and it's all yours until you choose to share it with the rest of the world. You can text each other about it, you can come up with code phrases, you can hold hands and look at each other in a knowing way while in a crowd of people.
3. Deal with the drinking issue. Are you normally the life of the party who never turns down a glass of bubbly? Don't lie about why you aren't drinking just say you are doing an alcohol detox. It's totally not a lie, you just aren't saying why you're doing the detox.
4. Tell a stranger. Can't stand it anymore and have to tell someone? Tell a stranger. Someone you aren't likely to come across again in any other setting. Go to a maternity store and browse, you can tell the sales staff there your exciting secret.
5. Let people come to their own conclusions. There will be people in your life who notice the changes in your behavior and will ask you if you are pregnant. I suggest you neither confirm or deny. You could say something like, "Wouldn't that be nice?" or just shrug your shoulders. Plead the fifth.
Oh and if you mess up and tell, it's OKAY! I promise, no matter what happens admitting that you are pregnant is not wrong, so give yourself a break.
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