I'm always so impressed by moms who are able to bounce back shortly after pregnancy. How the heck did they lose that post-partum belly so fast? Sure, they followed a healthy diet before they gave birth and of course they started working out afterwards, but that's usually not all. In fact, most chicas (Latinas especially) credit fajas to help them slim down their midsection and apparently they really work!
Readmore ¿Qué más? 5 Workout fajas for your tiniest waist ever
I'll admit I've never really been into fajas but after hearing Jessica Alba's shapewear story I was definitely inspired. In case you never heard, the 32-year-old mom of two actually wore a double corset for three months straight after giving birth to her second daughter, Haven. "I wore a double corset day and night for three months. It was sweaty, but worth it," she said. It might sound sort of intense, but hey it helped her get her figure back. Here are 10 postpartum fajas that will help you lose that belly fat overnight!
Image via Hourglassangel.com
Belly Bandit

Everyone is raving about the Original Belly Bandit these days. It's a belly wrap that helps tighten, shrink and flatten your post-pregnancy tummy. It works wonders! Hourglassangel.com, $50.
Leonisa Postpartum Panty

The Leonisa Postpartum Panty is your regular panty. It sucks all your tummy in and even has an adjustable belly wrap that you can work to your liking. Leonisa.com, $25

Want to lose a few inches off your belly and waist? Then you have to try the Shrinkx Belly Postpartum Belly Band. It doesn't just flatten your stomach but it also reduces swelling, supports core abdominal muscles and helps your uterus to return to its normal size. Upspringbaby.com, $40
A Pea in the Pod

If you're looking for something less restricting, check out A Pea In The Pod Seamless Postpartum Shaper. It's a high-waisted panty with serious tummy control. Apeainthepod.com, $18

Everyone talks about the Bellefit Postpartum Corset. Apparently it's doctor recommended, it flattens your stomach, helps your body recover after pregnancy and helps straighten out your spine. Sounds pretty awesome to me! Bellefit.com, $108

Not only is the Leonisa Strapless Power Tummy Trimmer Compression Shaper effective but the zipper makes it easy to put on and take off, perfect for mom's who have C-sections. They come in thong styles too. Leonisa.com, $80

The Amon Maternity Forgive Body Shaper is so comfortable you'd hardly believe you were wearing a faja. Mabelshop.com, $24
Gabrialla Postpartum

This high-waist faja provides compression and support for both your belly and your butt. Walmart.com, $115
Yummie Life

I can't think of any mom who wouldn't be thrilled with the Yummie Life Nursing Tank. It flattens your stomach while making it easier to nurse. How awesome is that? Yummielife.com, $68

The Battmate Women's Breathable Elastic Postpartum Postnatal Pregnancy Recovery Hips Waist Slimming Girdle Support Shaper helps to flatten your tummy and compress your hips. And all for less than 10 bucks! Sears.com, $6