Oh my gatos! A very pregnant Sandra Vilchez, who is 29-years old, was in the family SUV with her hubby, 35-year-old Marine Corps veteran Bolivar Vilchez, as well as her three kids who are 6, 4 and 3 years old. As the family was driving down a southern California freeway early Saturday morning, Sandra started having contractions. They came fast and quick. She told Bolivar, "I think she's coming now" and then her water broke.
Picture all three kids in the middle seat of the SUV worrying about their mother and asking, "is Savannah doing this to you?" Savannah being the baby trying to be born. And of course it only gets more intense.
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The family was originally on their way to Sandra's mother's home, but Bolivar found himself having to pull over to the shoulder of the freeway because as they were driving, the baby's "head popped out."
Once he pulled over, Bolivar ran to the passenger side to help his wife. He called 911 for help, then on the next contraction he was holding his newborn daughter Savannah. He checked to make sure the umbilical cord was not wrapped around the baby's neck and then he placed the newborn on mommy's chest. Firefighters arrived soon after and helped cut the cord.
Savannah was not born a little bitty thing either. In fact, she was born weighing 11 pounds, 6 ounces. Kudos to Sandra for handling it like a champ and a big round of applause to Bolivar for keeping it together under such extreme conditions.
The couple was very surprised by Savannah's arrival. She wasn't due until September 26 and with all of her other children Sandra had to be induced because their due dates came and went without her going into labor.
Congratulations to the family, so happy to know that everything turned out well. Welcome to the world, Savannah, what a way to make an entrance!
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