Not all pregnancy symptoms are equal. Some are downright awful, whereas others are splendid. Yes, splendid even if they are only temporary and because they are so dang temporary, I feel it is my duty to tell you to take advantage of them while you have them. I'm serious and you'll be sorry if you don't listen to me.
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Here, my dears, are five beautiful side effects of pregnancy that you simply must take advantage of:
1. Sex. Okay, so it's not that you are going to be horny your entire pregnancy or anything, but during the second trimester, blood flow to your pelvic area increases, which can make you feel more sensitive and lead to AWESOME sex. Enjoy it and get it while you can.
2. Hair. Hair looks fabulous during pregnancy because you shed less of it, so it looks like you have thicker, fuller locks. This won't last, so flip your hair and act like you are in a shampoo commercial as much as possible during pregnancy.
3. Boobs. Yes, your breasts will get bigger during pregnancy. Don't hide them. I'm not saying you need to wear low-cut, cleavage-baring things, but go on and wear some clothes that show off your ladies, stand up straight and take them out for a walk so that everyone can admire them.
4. Nails. If you're a mani-loving mami, then you're in luck because many women find that their nails grow faster and become stronger during pregnancy.
5. Skin. Whether you think so or not, your skin is glowing. Why? It's the increase in blood volume that gives you a lovely blush and glow. So radiate darlin'!
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