Single & pregnant and you won’t believe her age

Tracey Kahn is a gorgeous hard-working single mother who is not afraid of her age or being a mom. At 51 years old, Tracey is pregnant and expecting her second daughter. Thanks to an egg donor and in vitro fertilization, Tracey is growing her family and encouraging women out there to become mothers regardless of their age or relationship status. She became pregnant with donated sperm and is beyond happy with the decision she made because she will raise two beautiful daughters.

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She doesn't care that she may be considered an "older mom" because she knows that she has the love and energy to raise her daughters. She is healthy and she works hard to maintain her body and keep herself younger. Thanks to IVF, women like Tracey can become mothers at an older age. Dr. Eric Flisser, professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive science at Mount Sinai Hospital says that more and more women over forty five years old are becoming pregnant with IVF every year. It's nothing new!

Tracey's first pregnancy at forty eight wasn't easy because she needed to inject herself with progesterone shots daily to prevent a miscarriage. She said it was difficult, but she was focusing on the beautiful baby girl she would have in her arms at the end. Now her little two year old Scarlett is about to become a big sister and Tracey is doing the process all over again.

Becoming a mother is not easy, especially when you are single and don't have the support of a partner. I think Tracey is such a brave woman because she knew something in her life was missing and she took charge of the situation. She wants women to know that they can become mothers on their own and it's never too late to do so. Becoming pregnant at an older age could be risky for the baby and the mom, but clearly it wasn't an issue for Tracey. I'm so happy for her!

I'm sure people think she is crazy and I wonder whether she fears that she might not have the energy to run after two little baby girls, raise them and see them become women. She must be starting the process of menopause soon and her hormones must be all over the place, but I'm sure those two little angels are worth the discomfort. I wish her the best of luck with her two baby girls and hopefully other women decide to start treatments and become mothers too.

Image via Corbis