Oh my goodness, I just got done watching Scott Disick react to Kourtney Kardashian telling him that she is pregnant with their third child and let me tell you that his reaction is not at all what I expected. The video is a sneak peek of the upcoming Sunday episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians and I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that it looks like Disick got sucker punched and had the air knocked out of him. I mean the poor guy can't even form a sentence afterwards.
Kourtney and Scott are parents to 4-year-old Mason and 2-year-old Penelope and supposedly this was a planned pregnancy, but you certainly can't tell from the way that Scott takes it. Take a look for yourself and you tell me what you think.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Shakira FINALLY confirms she's pregnant!
Do you see how he's can't even string words together into a coherent sentence? He's all sigh, gasp, gasp, rub beard, gasp and repeat. I'm sure that by now he has had time to get used to the idea and is thrilled. He was probably just caught off guard, but it makes me wonder what his reaction would have been like if her weren't being filmed. Obviously, he knows he's being filmed so maybe that's why he's not blurting out everything that's on his mind, but it sure does make me wonder.
I'm also wondering how Mason and Penelope reacted to the news that they are going to have a new sibling. Do you think they were happy or not so much? You never know with kids, but kids' reactions do tend to be funny. Don't believe me? Click though the gallery we put together of hilarious kid reactions to their parents' baby news!
Image via E Online
Reasonable doubt

This kid cracks me up with his reasonable objections to his mother's pregnancy.
A boy?!

This little girl FREAKS out when she finds out she's getting a baby brother, instead of a sister!
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Bring on the cake!

In this one, two sisters react after their parents reveal that they're having twins on a cake! But the cake just looks too delicious to ignore for one sister…
Sounding it out

These two parents presented their daughter with a T-shirt that said, "I'm the big sister" and had her slowly sound out the letters until she could formulate the words and read them out loud. When she finally realizes what it means, her reaction is so sweet, it almost made me cry!
Not unanimous

When these parents tell their four boys, they're finally getting a little sister, they're thrilled … well, MOST of them, anyway.
It's a girl...

This little girl REALLY wanted a baby brother. Bummer for her.

Check out the eldest kid in the very back, he's very bummed. He says, "Great, more twins that I can't tell apart!"