I'm a big fan of pregnancy time lapse videos. I find them all kinds of adorable and fascinating. Make no mistake that I have viewed more than my fair share of them, even so I am captivated by the latest one I've watched created by a couple in the fair city I'm lucky enough to call home: San Francisco, California. Ian Padgham and his wife, Claire Pasquier, collaborated and put together a time lapse video chronicling Pasquier's pregnancy that they posted on Vine. Do you get what I'm saying? Since the video was posted on Vine it means that it is only six seconds long. This couple managed to capture an entire pregnancy in just six seconds and it is pretty amazing.
You have to check it out below. I mean what do you have to lose? It's only SIX seconds long !
Read more ¿Qué más?____: Pregnant women shake their bumps, get in on the twerking craze! (VIDEO)
Tell me that is not all kinds of impressive. No doubt Padgham is a video artist. His entire feed is full of his fantastic videos. I'm so glad that he and his wife captured such an incredible time in their lives as shared it with everyone. Congratulations to them and hearty welcome to newest addition!
Oh and like I said, I'm a big fan of pregnancy time lapse videos, so pretty please check out the awesome roundup below. Be warned that you may feel your ovaries ache just a tiny bit. —Additional reporting by Michelle Regalado
Image via Thinkstock
Strolling through pregnancy

Nine months of pregnancy are turned into a walk in the park!
40 in 2

This stop-motion video captures 40 weeks of pregnancy in just two minutes.
Welcome Amelie

This couple introduces their daughter Amelie with a clip that goes from early pregnancy to the arrival of the baby to their home!
Project Grow

This mom shows off her expanding belly in a video she and her husband call "Project Grow." So cute!
Sharing the news

Watch how this adorable couple announces the arrival of their baby girl!