An idiot teacher has been suspended without pay from an elementary school in Alabama after coming up with the grandiose idea of having her sixth grade students reenactthe violent incident that has the whole country enraged: the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The teacher, whose name has not been released, had her white students act as cops and her black students as Michael Browns. How is it that such pea-brains get a license to teach?
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According to what Jessica Lynn Baughn–the mom of one of the sixth grade students instructed to work on the reenactment–posted on Facebook, "She even has them get on the internet and research how many times the young man was shot where he was shot at. That is absurd to me…"
Absurd, uncalled for and completely unnecessary. I mean, can someon please explain to me the purpose of such an acitivity? I've tried to look at it every which way and I continue to come up short. There's simply NOTHING to be gained by an exercise like this one.
The area's superintendent of education said the instructor was doing a lesson on current events when one of her students asked about the Ferguson incident, which is totally understandable given the indignation and protests the tragic incident has sparked across the nation. But the answer to the student's question was definitely not to have them act out the series of events that led to Brown's death.
I'm not saying that what happened in Ferguson is not a valid topic when discussing current events with sixth-graders. On the contrary, I think the topic should be covered, but I can think of a ton of ways of doing so that don't involve paper guns and black students falling to the ground pretending they are dead.
I know everyone makes mistakes, but all this teacher had to do was think a little bit before making such an inane decision.
Image via David/Flickr