10 Things you should NEVER say to your kids when they go back to school

I'm sitting in my home office chair right now doin' the happy back-to-school dance that many parents do, but pretend not to do. Hey, it doesn't mean you don't love your kids just because you are tiny bit THRILLED that they are going back to school. No, not at all. Mostly, you are a strong believer in the power of education and want your child to learn as much as possible. YEAH, RIGHT!

Let's  be honest here, you are among friends and fellow parents. We can admit to each other some of the joyful thoughts that go through our minds as summer comes to a close and the school year is about to start, right?

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Here are 10 things you should never say about back to school in front of your kids even though you are totally thinking them"

1. In your face, summer! I finally get my life back.

2. OMG, was this the longest summer ever or what?

3. Thank you Diosito, I thought this day would never come!

4. Oh, the things I'll finally be able to do now that you won't be home!

5. After-care, here we come! These school days just aren't long enough.

6. Imma be crying on the first day of school, but not because I'm sad. I'll let you think I am, though.

7. Peace and quiet, peace and quiet! I want to shout it from the rooftops, I'll be getting some peace and quiet.

8. I really should start looking into summer camps for next summer like NOW!

9. Oh man, I don't even care that your teacher this year is a total witch. I'll be so happy to see her I could kiss her warts and all.

10. Would it be weird if we camped out in front of the school the night before the first day of classes?

May your kids and you have a wonderful school year! Yes, I love my kids. Yes, I know how lucky I am to have them. Yes, I enjoy their company even when they drive me crazy. Yes, I'm an evil witch with a wicked sense of humor.

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