____A hearty congratulations to Alessandra Derbez Rosaldo and Eugenio Derbez on the birth of their baby girl Aitana Derbez Rosaldo, who was born last night at 11:35 p.m. in Santa Monica, California. This little girl knows how to make an entrance and took her sweet time making it too. She was about a week and a half overdue and had everyone surrounding the couple excitedly anticipating her birth.
Both baby and mami are doing well, although Alessandra is tired after a very long labor. Wait until you hear all the details of the grueling labor!
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Alessandra was in labor for 26 hours. Wow, no wonder she's tired! The baby was delivered naturally weighing in at 7 pounds, 9 ounces and daddy was on hand to cut the cord. She is described as being fair-skinned with big eyes and upon seeing her, Eugenio said, "¡Tiene la barba partida, como yo!" How cute, she's got a cleft chin just like her papá! I'm sure he is absolutely over the moon about her.
Aitana is Alessandra's first child and Eugenio's fourth. Eugenio's three other children José Eduardo, Vadhir and Aisilinn, where on hand to welcome their baby sister as were Alessandra's parents. That baby is surrounded by love.
It has been a pleasure to follow along on this wonderful journey with Alessandra and Eugenio. They have shared their joy with us throughout. Big hugs to them and their precious baby girl. We're sending Alessandra much love and wish her a speedy recovery.
Also, I know this is a crazy busy and beautiful time for the family and that they need and deserve time and privacy, but I truly hope they don't forget that we want pictures. We can't wait to see Aitana and check out the cleft in her chin.
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