How many of us haven't heard this before? Apparently sex during pregnancy is the most enjoyable one. However, there are valid reasons–explained by real women and not scientists–that prove that sex while pregnant is actually the worst. Why can't men just understand that it's not that we don't feel like it, but rather that we just can't!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 8 Things I don't miss about being pregnant
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You're tired... all.the.time!

At the begin of your pregnancy, you practically fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. At the end of it, you're more than exhausted from being "home" to another person. Even if your partner does not understand, being pregnant is a 24/7 kind of job in which sex is the least of your priorities. Or does he want you to fall asleep halfway through the show?
It hurts. Everything hurts.

It is no secret that many women have it easy, but that it hurts, it hurts. From your back from carrying the extra weight to the liquid retention that causes swelling. My friend, your wife is not lying when he says that EVERYTHING hurts.
You're dryer than a desert

Let's face it, while some parts produce excess liquid (did anyone say milk?), others simply dry up. Your vagina is not the same as it was before, it burns, it hurts and it becomes your worst enemy if you decide to "join the party". Here comes the science part: doctors say it can be uncomfortable due to the extra blood in the vaginal walls. Ouch!
You're a sea of emotions!

If you are pregnant, you may be able to go from feeling sadness, pain, happiness, optimism, hate, love and anger … all in less than 10 minutes. And that's because growing that chiquitico inside you is not easy! While having sex, you must be focused, especially to avoid awkward positions … but how do you do this with so many mixed emotions in your head?
You feel huge!

It has nothing to do with your body or with the extra pounds you've gained. Pregnant women feel heavy by nature: between the belly, the swelling and, of course, the baby, there is not much "space" to enjoy creative positions.