Your wedding day is one of those occasions that as the bride, you expect to be the center of attention. In 26-year-old Emma Rotherham's case, her wedding ceremony went as she planned, but little did she know that her 29-year-old pregnant sister, Lucy Morris, was in labor the WHOLE time.
Morris walked her sister down the aisle as one of her bridesmaids and kept quiet about being in pain from the contractions to avoid stealing the spotlight from her sister's special day. That's so selfless of her, but we have NO IDEA how she managed to do that!
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The new mom from the U.K. says that she recalled feeling contractions the morning of the wedding and that she already knew her baby was a week overdue. However, she sucked it up, walked down the aisle and took pictures with the rest of the wedding party until things got bad at the reception.
That's when Morris finally told her sister that she needed to go to the hospital because she was in labor. Not even 13 hours later, her baby girl, Izzy, was born. Being the good sister that she was and not wanting to ruin Rotherham's wedding day, the poor woman dealt with the pain despite the health risk. "I don't know how I made it through the ceremony, I was in agony. I just kept praying my waters wouldn't break before they exchanged their vows," she said.
I have to give major props to Morris because to hold in a baby for that long and being in that much pain must have been the worst thing she's ever experienced. I don't know how she sucked it up for all those hours which makes me wonder if you can see the agony in her face in the wedding pictures. After putting her needs aside for her beloved Rotherman's special day, you can't ever call this woman selfish. In fact, if i were her and we ever had an argument I'd play the I-held-a-baby-in-for-you card. Looks like their family has a lot to celebrate about! Newlyweds and a baby!
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