Holding an infant for the first time ever is scary and anxiety inducing, no matter what age you are when it happens. Actually, holding an infant for the 10thtime, even as an adult is nerve-wracking. I refused to move at all while holding my two-day-old cousin in my arms for the first time a year ago. He was just so small and fragile!
Well, never has that feeling been more accurately captured than in a photo recently uploaded to Reddit by user sho3. In the hilarious snapshot, sho3's nephew holds his baby sister in his arms for the first time ever–and let's just say, the priceless look on his face is worth more than a thousand words. Check it out after the jump!
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The picture shows the young boy cradling the newborn on his lap … well, kind of. From the look of his shrugged shoulders and outstretched hands, it's clear he has no idea how to properly hold her. But the best part? His expression is a mixture of daze, confusion, and outright fear. Ha! Don't worry, we've all been there, kid.
Check out the super funny picture below, along with several other hilarious pictures of young kids with their little siblings:
Image via Thinkstock
Boy holds baby sister

Reddit user sho3 uploaded this hilarious photo of his nephew looking dazed and confused while holding his baby sister for the first time.
Funny face sisters

This girl gives her younger sibling a funny face.
Holding baby's nose

Looks like one little guy is not happy to have a younger sibling!
Bored brother

Could this older brother possibly look any more bored to be with posing with this baby?
Brother for sale

This is just too cute! And I think any older sister or brother can relate.
Older sister cringes

Who hasn't felt this way when dealing with a crying baby? The look on this little girl's face says it all!