The video of Mike Carey dancing with his disabled daughter, McKenzie Carey, during a pageant brought me to tears because a daddy's love has no bounds.They will do whatever it takes to make her heart happy.
There is a very special bond between daddies and their daughters. When my daughters were born, I very distinctly remember seeing my husband look into their eyes and fall head-over-heels in love with those tiny bundles of pink goodness. I've experienced this bond and I witness it happening every day between my husband and our girls in the little things he does like carrying them up to bed when they fall asleep beside him on the couch, kissing real or imagined booboos and empathizing when their little hearts are broken. It's a love marked by overwhelming reciprocated adoration.
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McKenzie was born with Mitochondiral Disease, which is an energy production problem in the body. Almost all cells in the body have mitochondria, which are tiny "power plants" that produce essential energy. McKenzie's body has had a physical power failure but she's not giving up and neither is her father.
You see, McKenzie can't take ballet, gymnastics or cheer like the other girls her age but she can participate in pageants with the help of her dad. Pageants are a way for her to do and feel like all the other kids her age, to feel special for more than just being in a wheelchair. McKenzie can't dance and perform in the talent section because she is too weak and frail but with her dad's help, she can fly.
Every parent wants the best for their child. We sacrifice and we work hard to make sure that they have all their needs met and a life filled with joy. I teach my children that they can do and be anything they want to be with hard work and determination. I'm sure that's what Mike Carey wants for his daughter too and that's why when it comes to the talent portion of the pageant, Mike Carey lifts and sways and foxtrots and rumbas with his beautiful daughter in his arms. He's not a trained dancer by any means but he is a daddy in love with his little girl and there are no boundaries to what he will do to make her dreams come true while she is here.
Mike Carey will probably never get the chance to see McKenzie grow into a woman, give her away at her wedding or share their father/daughter dance because her disease is fatal. She is dying, so while she is here, he is making every moment together count. Daddies always want to protect their little girls and keep them from harm but some things, we have no control over and we have to let go but that's not the same as giving up. Mike and McKenzie Carey are not going down without a fight.
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/txTdcqDTL9E
Image via The TRUTH about Motherhood