You may your labor and delivery story is beyond unique but, chances are, it pales in comparison to the experience endured by 35-year-old Edita Tracey. Her baby was delivered in just 30 seconds during an emergency Caesarian section and, immediately afterwards, Tracey underwent yet another surgical procedure–this time__, a nine-hour open-heart surgery to repair a rupturing aorta.__ Tracey's potentially lethal cardiac condition was detected during her 36th week of pregnancy, and doctors admitted her immediately in order to save both mother and child.
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Tracey's condition first came to light during a CT scan ordered after she complained of rather intense back pain. She'd been suffering from back spasms for weeks but dismissed it as a symptom of her pregnancy–that is, until she began feeling pressure in her upper back.
The CT scan revealed that Tracey was suffering from a condition called aortic dissection in which the aortic arch, which carries blood to most of the body, was rupturing. Doctors believe the condition surfaced as a result of preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication involving high blood pressure, and a genetic condition known as Marfan syndrome, which can weaken connective tissues within the body and can lead to an enlarged aorta or, as in Tracey's case, separation of the layers within the aorta and possible tearing.
She was admitted to the hospital immediately and, when she woke up after surgery, she had no idea what had happened. Doctors then informed her that both she and her daughter were alive and healthy. Now, six weeks after undergoing a C-section and open-heart surgery, Tracey is at home caring for her daughter, who she refers to as her "miracle baby."
This story is a testament to the skill set of the doctors and surgeons who treated Tracey but, moreover, it's a sign that we need to pay attention to our bodies, to listen to what they're subtly telling us–especially during pregnancy. Imagine if Tracey had just thought this was a normal part of pregnancy! I shudder to think what could have happened, but thankfully everything worked out well and now she's got that adorable little girl to show for it.
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