Lisa Miguel of Stratford, Connecticut is in a whole lot of trouble after sending her 12-year-old son to school with a grenade. WHAT?! The 44-year-old mother sent the kid to school with a WWII simulator grenade that was given to her by her now deceased father as a relic from his military days. The grenade was to be shared for a class show-and-tell assignment relating to D-Day. Miguel had no qualms about sending her son to school with a grenade because her father had told her it was a dud, so I'm sure she thought it was perfectly safe, except it wasn't.
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Turns out the grenade was not a dud and it still had the pin inside. According to police, who were of course called to the school, which, by the way, was put on lockdown on Friday, when this happened, the grenade could combust and hurt people with-in a 20-foot radius.
There's a part of me that feels bad for Miguel because clearly she thought the thing was a dud. She's been keeping it in a dresser drawer at her home for years and just remembered it because of her kids school project. Still, think of all the children, including her own son, that she put in danger. Everyone was just a pin's pull away from getting hurt.
Miguel has been arrested and charged with risk of injury to a minor, reckless endangerment and illegal possession of an explosive. As bad as that is, it could have been so much worse.
On a personal note, I have a vague memory as a kid of going to someone's house and them showing me and letting me hold a grenade. WTF?! I hope it was a dud, but after this story, I'm not so sure.
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