10 Ways you should always let your friends & family help after having a baby

When you have a baby, no matter if it's your first or fourth, kindhearted friends and family will want to help. They'll offer their services in any way they can and you will thank them, but probably never take them up on it!  

I want to make sure that doesn't happen. Trust me, you need and deserve the help. I mean, you just had a baby! Let your community support you for a minute, will ya?

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Just so you don't draw a blank when someone asks you how they can help, I've put together a list for you. Here are ten things you should ask your family and friends to help you with when you have a baby:

1. Food. You will need to eat and although you have been feeding yourself for years, now you have a little one that is complicating matters. As for help with food. You can ask for people to bring over prepared meals or you can send somebody grocery shopping with a list and money.

2. Sleep. They say to sleep whenever the baby sleeps, but I was never able to master that technique. Ask someone to come over just so that you can nap for an hour or two. Feed your baby and once that baby is full, hand the cutie over to a loved one and go take a nap.

3. Shower. You will need help showering. Not in the actual shower, but getting time to shower without worrying about your baby. Schedule a time that someone can come over and give you a shower break.

4. Doctor visits. Chances are you will be taking your baby to the doctor just to make sure all is well. Seems simple enough, but you may find it helpful to bring along someone else, especially if you are still healing. They can help you get the baby in and out of the car as well as help you carry the diaper bag.

5. Diapers. Running low, call a friend and see if they can do you a solid. With your new baby it will take you an hour just to get to the car, your friend could probably do the whole errand in 15 minutes.

6. Your other kids. If you have other children, they may be feeling neglected. A good friend or family member could take them to the park or movies or anywhere that puts a smile on their face.

7. Laundry. Laundry needs to be done, but it doesn't have to be done by you.

8. Dishes. Ditto what I said about laundry.

9. Talking. Babies are awesome listeners, but they are not the best conversationalists. You will want to simply chat with a grown up.

10. Holding the baby. You will spend a lot of time holding your baby and you will want to, but then you will start missing your arms and wishing you could use them to do something else at least every once in awhile. Borrow someone else's arms for an hour so you can use your arms to do whatever it is you want to. Before you know it you'll be aching to hold that baby again, but you'll be glad you had a break.

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