I remember when I was in school and what a big deal class pictures were. It was the one time that girls made sure they looked flawless, especially senior year when the pictures were going in the yearbook. Wasatch High School in Utah took it upon themselves to go crazy with Photoshop on their female students pictures, but not in the way you would think.
When the girls got back their pictures, they were shocked to see that they appeared to be wearing a completely different outfit in the pictures! Huh?!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 stupid things schools are unnecessarily banning (PHOTOS)
Apparently the school edited the girls' pictures because they felt they were too sexy and wanted them to look more modest. However, the students are furious over the alterations because they were not notified and the pics can no longer be changed since they have already been printed into the yearbook. Some of the teens feel angry as well because they think the changes made were not consistent.
"I feel like they put names in a hat and pick and choose who," said student Rachel Russel. She explained that she was wearing a sleeveless top in her yearbook photo but after editing it looked like she had a full shirt on. "There were plenty of girls [who] were wearing thicker tank tops and half of them got edited and half of them didn't," she said.
Other female students complained that the "full" shirts photoshopped into their pictures didn't even match the color of their actual tops. "We only apologize in the sense that we want to be more consistent with what we're trying to do in that sense we can help kids better prepare for their future by knowing how to dress appropriately for things," school district superintendent Terry E. Shoemaker said. He added that the school has a dress code policy and that the students knew about it, yet violated it.
Well, that sucks! The least the school could have done was tell the students of the changes being made rather than blindsiding them like that. I also find some of these school dress codes completely sexist because they are mainly implied for the girls and rarely for the male students. There was NOTHING wrong with any of the pictures that were altered, it's pretty ridiculous to "correct" harmless tanktops and V-necks that hardly show anything. I really hope the students still stand their ground and insist the school change the pictures back to the originals–even if it means waiting until later to get their yearbook.
Image via Fox 13