We've all done it–we want a quick answer to a burning question but don't want to risk looking ignorant or suffering through the mocking laughs and relentless teasing of our friends and family members so, instead, we turn to a safe and non-judgmental source: Google. Expectant mothers are, of course, no exception, typing questions in their browsers pertaining to all aspects of their pregnancies. But what are pregnant women's biggest concerns? Well, an analysis of Google search terms submitted by pregnant women around the globe, offers some insight onto what pregnant women are really wondering according to their geographical location.
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Can pregnant women wear heels?: This query ranked among the top five searches made by pregnant women in Mexico. Apparently, mejicanas, like good Latinas, love their tacones!
How to have sex during pregnancy?: Whoa, hormones! This search ranked in the top five for nearly every country assessed–among them the United States, Britain, Australia, Nigeria, India, and South Africa. India, however, takes the prize as three of the five items most commonly used to complete the search phrase "How do you ______ during pregnancy?" revolved around sexual intercourse, with phrases including "have sex," "do sex," and "sex."
Can pregnant women drink cold water?: Although it may seem like a peculiar query to us, this was one of the main searche typed by pregnant women in Nigeria. The hesitancy to drink cold water during pregnancy stems from a belief that doing so could lead to the newborn baby having pneumonia.
Can pregnant women drink wine?: Expectant mothers in the United States were most concerned with what they could safely consume, with the most popular searches revolving around whether they could drink wine or coffee, whether they could pop a Tylenol, and whether they could eat sushi and shrimp. Interestingly, in Britain and Australia, the alchol question wasn't as frequently posed; instead, women in these countries seemed more concerned about the safety of eating soft cheeses like like cream cheese, feta cheese, and mozzarella during pregnancy.
How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy: Apparently, pregnant women all over the world dread the possibility of developing unsightly stretch marks. However, this question was commonly asked in wealthier, more developed nations like the United States, Britain, Australia, and South Africa, and was less likely to be posed by women in, say, India, Singapore, or Nigeria.
While many of the searches involved what foods, beverages and medicines could be consumed during pregnancy and, in turn, what behaviors were acceptable during this period of time, it's fascinating to see how the substances and acitivites in question varied from one nation to the next. In India, for instance, women worried about whether they could eat pizza, mango, papaya, and banana, while in Singapore, women stressed over the safety of drinking green tea and eating pineapple.
No matter the variations one thing is for sure, pregnant women all over the world worrry incessantly about the babies they're carrying and, clearly, they're thankful Google is around to ease their minds!
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