A Florida father is in hot water after he was caught on tape kicking his son down a skateboard ramp at local skate park.
The footage, recorded by another skater, shows the child (who looks to be about 6 years old) standing at the top of the ramp with his skateboard, seemingly trying to talk himself to bite the bullet and skate down. But his father apparently gets impatient with the boy's hesitation and just shoves him over the edge with his foot. Wow…real nice, dad. The clip has since gone viral online and elicited tons of angry responses–and once you watch the disturbing video, you'll see why!
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As can be seen in the clip below, the little boy–who was thankfully wearing a helmet and knee pads at least–falls off his skateboard and lands on his butt, yelling "Ow!" Onlookers say he was reportedly not seriously injured and got back up to skate. But that didn't stop another child, only identified as Stephens, from confronting the father and asking him why he did that.
"I asked him why is he doing this, and then he said 'because he needs to learn,' " Stephens told ABC News. "I was like, 'Pushing him down is not teaching him how to drop in.' " Am I the only who think it's sad that a child seems to have a better hold on the whole parenting thing than this actual parent?
But I'm not the only one who finds the dad's actions questionable. The park's operator reportedly warned the father not to come back for a while and the Florida Department of Children and Families is now also looking into footage of the incident.
I understand that all parents want to teach their kids to take risks and try new things. But there's a difference between motivating them and literally pushing them into something they're not ready for.
Watch the video below:
[ABC US News](http://abcnews.go.com/us) | [ABC Business News](http://abcnews.go.com/business)
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