Melissa Mantor was working out at the West Ashley Planet Fitness in Charleston, South Carolina on Monday night. This 31-year-old mother is no stranger to the gym. She works out at this Planet Fitness regularly and that's why she was shocked when she was approached by a female employee and asked to either change her workout attire or leave. Apparently, Mantor was in violation of the gym's dress code. The thing is that Mantor was wearing the same type of outfit she always wears to the gym, the only difference is that Mantor is 18 weeks pregnant. Her baby bump got her kicked out of the gym?
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Mantor was offered a big white T-shirt to put on to cover her offending baby bump, but she was pissed and wasn't having it. She says, "I have been wearing that outfit for three years without complaint. T-shirts are terribly uncomfortable for me to work out in while getting sweaty and lifting weights. I have had equal amounts of my midriff showing from the day I began going to this the gym. The night of the 21st was the first time I attended the gym while noticeably pregnant."
This is what Mantor was wearing at the gym on Monday. I see people wearing less at the supermarket.
Some people on social media don't see what the big deal is, they think Mantor should have just covered up her belly on gone about her business. I disagree. It's one thing if she had been called out for having breached dress code policy before, but she hadn't and now, just because she is visibly pregnant she's told her attire is inappropriate. Give me a break. If the sight of her pregnant belly is going to make other people uncomfortable, then they need to GROW THE FUNK UP!
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