Mother's Day is just around the corner. Time to get yourself set up to make all the mamacitas in your life feel special. No need to get overwhelmed. Truly the things that most mothers want for Mother's Day are simple.
Would you just be sweet and give us what we want? It's not hard, I've even made a list for you.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Mother's Day: The best hand-made gifts you don't actually have to make yourself!
Here are six things that mother's really want for Mother's Day. You can get us more if you like, we won't be upset by more, but if you cover the six below, we'll be happy.
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Mamis really do want to sleep in on Mother's Day. That doesn't mean that we want to try and sleep while the kids are making all kinds of noise and banging on the bedroom door every five minutes. It means we want you to do whatever it takes to make our home quiet enough to sleep. Take the kids for a walk or a 5K, whatever it takes.
Breakfast in bed

Breakfast in bed is always a winner. Always. You could do this every year and it would never get old.
Clean up after yourselves

Awesome, you let us sleep in and made us breakfast in bed, now don't make us get up to a messy house. That kitchen better be clean and the rest of the house too. The entire day it is up to everyone except the mom in the home to do the cleaning.

All day long, if mom puts her fingers to her lips all will obey. Silence will fall, all arguing and bickering will stop, not a whine will escape a lip.

If you want to make a mom in your life happy, get her a gift card from a store you know she loves and let her go shopping all on her own. The shopping doesn't have to happen on Mother's Day, but you can let her know that you will help her schedule a couple of hours without kids to go shopping for herself and on her own.
Give her the power

Once the kids have gone to bed and the grown ups are left to enjoy some entertainment, give the remote to the mom being celebrated and let her pick. Do not give her any grief if what she picks stars Matt Damon or doesn't feature some kind of crazy car chase. No eye-rolling allowed and if necessary you will hold her when she cries during the emotional parts of whatever she is watching.